2018 is the year I jumped into blogging. It's something I've wanted to do for a long time but never had the courage to. I guess I've always wanted to find a platform where I could express my thoughts, my feelings and just talk about what I went through as someone who lives with Bipolar Disorder. Part of me is afraid my friends will find out about this blog. Once they know my past, will they still see me as me? It's terrifying to tell you the truth.
I never really wrote down resolutions or "goals" for the New Year. It might be because I usually don't stick to them or feel overwhelmed by the grandness of them. I believe I can do it all and set myself with some pretty unrealistic goals. I hope writing them down here will hold me more accountable.
Here are my goals for the year 2018.
I want to eat better. Start swimming and working out again. I want to be lenient with myself and not abandon everything at the first obstacle (which has been the case recently...).
I want to keep in touch with my friends and participate in a monthly activity. I want to continue to develop long-lasting relationships. I want to learn more about my boyfriend and continue to grow in my relationship with him.
I want to do my work in advance, just as I did last semester. I want to reread my notes every day (this will be a hard one). I started working as a tutor last year. I want to have a direction for my French classes. I want to learn how to better assess my students' needs and apply proper teaching methods to develop their French.
I want to read 12 books this year, averaging 1 per month. I would like to write 10 book reviews (including 5 books geared towards children).
This year, I want to stop using my phone 2 hours before my bedtime. I want to get into the habit of reading a book before bed. When I'm out with friends, I want to keep my phone in my purse/bag unless I'm waiting for an important phone call. I want to spend more meaningful quality time with my boyfriend without my phone by my side. We don't see each other often and I realize how disrespectful I come across when I'm glued to my phone.
This year I want to aim for AT LEAST 6 hours of sleep per night. I waste my time on my phone and I don't see the time fly by. Too many times have I slept for 3 hours because I was on my phone. Sleeping is crucial for my wellbeing and performing well in school and at work.
I want to blog at least once a week. I will aim to write three posts. I want to value quality over quantity. At the start of this blog, I was a bit "poule sans tête" (chicken without a head). I was very excited to get all my thoughts out that they just became a mish-mash of posts. I want to write with more clarity. I want my posts to be better organized and have an aesthetic aspect to it. I want to document my ventures and add more photos to my posts. I'll be able to revisit fond memories this way. I want to diversify my posts. I want to write more about my past and how I overcame it. In a sentence, I want to make this blog completely mine.
Here's to a new year!
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